

Oct 23rd 2023 | Jay Honstetter

The Benefits of Pea and Rice Protein

Have you considered pea and rice protein? With a complete profile of all nine essential amino acids, and easy digestion for individuals with lactose intolerance, food allergies, and stomach issues, it’s the perfect dairy-free alternative to other whey protein options. Separately they lack the necessary components you need in an alternative protein source - pea protein is low in cysteine and methionine, but high in lysine, while rice protein is low in lysine, but high in cysteine and methionine. …
Oct 23rd 2023 | Jay Honstetter

Electrolytes: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Commercials for sports drinks are always bragging about the refreshing, hydrating quality of their brand’s output, noting the abundance of electrolytes in their drinks, and omitting the massive amounts of sugar found directly on their label. Now we know sugar is not great for you - it's fine in small doses but when it starts to add up it can result in high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, weight gain, and can even lead to fatty liver disease. But we know electrolytes are good for you, and …
Oct 23rd 2023 | Jay Honstetter

Tips for your Pre-Workout Warm-Up

Prepping for a good workout is just as important as the workout itself. It’s almost like warming up your car in the dead cold of winter - you don’t want to put the pedal to the metal until your car has had some time to prep itself for the drive ahead - this means leaving the engine running before your drive, and being sure your car has the right amount of fluids, and anything else that ensures top performance for your vehicle.The same goes for our bodies. If you want to optimize your workout, wa …
Oct 23rd 2023 | Jay Honstetter

Top Exercises for Burning Fat

Burning fat, losing weight, and slimming down are at the top of many people’s lists when beginning a new workout routine, but knowing what exercises work best and creating a program that focuses on shedding unwanted body fat can be a challenge, especially for newcomers. But a good combination of exercise, diet, and supplementation goes a long way if you stick to it, and incorporate all the right workouts.We recently shared some advice about supplements in our TOP SUPPLEMENTS FOR LOSING WEIG …
Oct 23rd 2023 | Jay Honstetter

How to Improve Endurance for Better Workouts

Running out of breath after sprinting up the stairs? Winded after a brief uphill walk through your neighborhood? You’re not alone! Endurance is a key element in getting the most out of your workouts, allowing you to exercise for longer periods of time, and ensuring you’re getting the best results. Without building endurance, even simple tasks like a quick run around the corner can wear you out.But improving endurance isn’t simply pushing yourself to train longer, or forcing yourself to go until …